Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mental well being?

So during the past month, I already told you that things have been crazy for me. I guess I will elaborate a little bit, as I know I turned my back on my followers, and I actually feel kind of guilty for this. I know we don't know each other, but you all have taken the time to comment and read my story, and the last thing I want to do is leave everyone in the dark.

Well I said I met with a psychologist and we started talking and he thought it would be a good idea for me to take an evaluation test. It ended up being something like 500 true or false questions...Everything comes down to standardized testing now right? HAHA...

Well anyways, according to these results, he does not feel as though I am suffering from bi-polar disorder. Here were the key points that he made or rather the testing made...I suffer from low self-esteem, I prefer instant gratification, I am depressed, I am unhappy with my career path as it is, some of the signs might show I might be a borderline- borderline personality type. Now this was the big question I had because borderline personality can be misdiagnosed as bi-polar a lot. Here was his response as I remember "this test gives results based on your answers and gives him the doctor a starting ground for treatment. Not always is the test 100% accurate but it can shine a light on things that might otherwise go unnoticed. This doesn't mean that I have borderline personality disorder, just that we share some traits."

My response..."Well crap, I am crazy"

In all seriousness, I think the test was a joke, as the questions were a bit silly in my mind, but I am not the professional here, so I am giving the benefit of the doubt. I go back and see him next week, so it should be interesting to see what he wants to talk about now. I am hoping the next few weeks or months can provide insight inside of me. Can show me why I have the anger issues that I have, why I am so untrusting, and uncomfortable alone.

Until next time, hope everyone has a great weekend!


Mrsupole said...

I think that a lot of people can suffer from low self esteem and I am not sure why. Possibly because someone in our lives were always putting us down and never giving compliments about anything we do. My mom was raised in and out of foster homes depending on her situation at the time with her father and if he was married or not. She suffered from low self esteem most of her life and I think it took many years for her to overcome. But the good news is that one can overcome their lack of self esteem.

I would have to say that there are also people who I think have too much self esteem. I am not sure if that is any better.

The questions probably seemed silly but they were possibly just asking things that when grouped with other answers, they let the doctor know things that you might not answer out right. Sometimes it is very hard to admit that we need help or that there is something wrong with us. You are very brave to try and get help, many do not. I am not sure if I could.

And you are not truly alone with so many of us willing to help as best as we can. We may not see you face to face, but that does not mean that we care any less.

Anytime you need to communicate, just leave a comment on our sites and we will be there for you.

God bless.

Mrsupole said...

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter and let you know that I was thinking of you.

Hope all is well and that you are taking care of yourself. Just remember that we are here for you.

God bless.

Mrsupole said...

Still here for you, just in case you want to converse. Hope your spring days are bright and happpy ones that are full of sunshine and hope.

God bless.

Mrsupole said...

You are missed. Please come back soon.

God bless.

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