Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I wish I could tell everone what has been happening since December 21st 2009. All I can say is life has been very very difficult for me. I missed a month of work because of personal problems. My ex wife kept my daughter from me from December 13-January 26th. I was finally able to give my daughter her Christmas presents, a month after the fact.

We won the first court battle and I saw my daughter the same day! I was so excited, yet I cried both when I saw her and when she had to leave. Court next month should be good for me as well. I despise my ex-wife so much. Not being able to see the most important person in my life during the holidays was very hard on me.

For the most part I have tamed down my drinking as well. I think I have outgrown my daily trips to the bar. I am proud of the fact that I have never drank with my daughter around, or ever let my drinking affect my time with her!

I have thought of you guys a lot lately, and there was so much I wanted to say, but I know I cannot share every intimate detail about my custody fight with the world.

I hope 2010 has started well for all you readers out there...I know it sucked to start, but I know its going to finish good for me!!


Adelaide Dupont said...

What matters is that you love your daughter, and she loves you.

And it's good you've been cutting down your drinking during the season.

Mrsupole said...

I am glad to see that you are okay and that court went well for you. It is always in the child's best interest to see both parents and it is good that you never drink around her. That truly shows you love her so very much.

I have a friend who was an alcoholic and I know that not every one who drinks is one, but she was and after almost killing herself in a car accident, she finally realized she was. She called AA one night and got a sponsor and has never taken a drink since. She tells me she wants to everyday, but thanks to AA she never has. Her sister just quit drinking on her own and never went to AA and has been fine. But what I wanted to say was that both of them basically lost all their friends they had at that time, well except for me, but they said they soon learned something. They realized that the only thing they had in common with all those friends was the drinking and once they quit drinking with these people they realized they had nothing else in common for them to remain friends. I stayed friends with them because I was not a "drinking buddy". So do not be worried if by not going to the bar that you lose any friends. You will make new ones.

My stepfather was an alcoholic and drug addict. The smell of alcohol can sometimes make me sick. Usually I am okay and I can drink too, but when someone breathes on me with really bad alcohol breath then it makes me sick. It probably reminds me of growing up around all these men who drank all the time.

So it is very good of you to not drink in front of your daughter. Mostly so that you will always remember every minute that you spend with her. And she will always have good memories of you.

Maybe someday your ex-wife will grow up and put your daughters needs before her revenge against you. It is so much better for the children when the parents can be civil to each other.

May this be a good year for you and we will always be here for you if you want to communicate your feelings or thoughts.

God is with you and may his angels continue to watch over you.

God bless.

Mass Hole Mommy said...

Hey, I was wondering where you've been. I remember you had some struggles before with the holidays coming up! I'm so sorry to hear about your ex keeping your daughter from you, but thank god you ended up getting to spend time with her. It's not right to keep a child from their parent. Thank god the judge saw what she was doing and was on your side. That's just terrible.
And that is GREAT about the drinking. It's so easy to fall into that pattern of drinking to forget, but the fact that you are able to control that is fantastic and you should be proud of yourself!

Losing my Mind said...

Adelaide- thank you for your comments

Mrsupole- I am sorry that you had to grow up like that. I couldn't imagine the things you probably saw the helped shape you now as an adult.

Mass Hole- I have been around, just slacking on my blog...perhaps not following through with something until the end is another one of my issues I should work on. Yes the judge seems to be very sympathetic to my side on this as it has been the same judge since the beginning, and she has seen most of this unfold.

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